# AI Service Deployment Main Page See the [[Main AI Page]] and the [[Ideas for Newsrooms (LIST)]] - Will build an AI Chatbot again - Will integrate it will multiple IBM AI services - Watson Assistant (Chatbot) - Watson Discovery (Data analysis) - Helps answering long-tail questions - Watson Functions (Serverless) - Brings the previous two together - Text-to-speech - Speech-to-text - Facebook Messenger - Slack - Capstone project (Deployment) ## Pages - [[Creating a Discovery Collection]] - [[Data vs Insight]] - [[Advanced Watson Discovery]] - [[Creating a Watson Chatbot with Discovery]] - [[Integrating Discovery and Assistant]] - [[Adding Watson Speech Services]] - [[Voice Options for your Chatbot]] - [[Deployment Options for Watson Speech Assistant]] - [[Deploying your Watson Assistant to Facebook Messenger]] - [[Deploying your Watson Assistant to Slack]]